New Year's Resolution: Part 3 - Enough Prep!!!
"I'm going to take another class or two and then I'll really be ready to do this thing."
"Let me just read a couple more books to make sure I'm really prepared."
"I should do a little more research online before I dive into it."
Any of these sound familiar? There is a voice in your head that tells you that you aren't quite yet adequate to do what you feel called to do. This "impostor syndrome" leaves you worried that you will get caught and people will discover that you're not as fit for the job as they think you are. That same voice that is holding you back from some simple New Year's resolutions has held you back from doing what you feel you have been called to.
I've never been one who is short on ideas. Business ideas, coaching niches, you name it - they hit me like a magic bullet. But sorting through which ideas are the best for me and actually executing them - well, that's another story. I have always had a knack for convincing myself that I can do it (whatever "it" is), but that I should prepare a little more. Of course the results of this mindset are . . . absolutely nothing.
So, what about you? There you are with this great idea and a sense of purpose toward doing something really great. BUT, you just need to sit down with your notebook and map out exactly what you're going to do and how, who you are going to contact, what will happen after you contact them, and how your idea will develop. Then, you need to write out a detailed business plan with financials and . . . SWEET BABY JESUS IN A MANGER, STOP!
There is a wise place for preparation and having a solid business plan. But there is also such a thing as beating a good idea like a dead horse. Let the idea develop naturally. Take the leap and get started, because that's when the real magic happens. You will make adjustments along the way and your final product/service will likely look nothing like what you initially planned, and that's ok! In fact, that's how it should be. Sony Corporation started out making miso soup and back warmers, for Pete's sake.
As you prepare for SUCCESS in achieving your resolutions for the new year, don't procrastinate (not exactly the same as over-planning/preparing, and we'll get to this later), don't over-plan, and don't doubt yourself! You're already as good as you need to be to make this happen and the rest you will learn along the way. All you need to do now is trust yourself and take the first step.