I took a self care day today. I knew that I needed it, but I had no idea how much. It was nothing too crazy - I didn't go to the spa or try to find a guru on a Tibetan mountain. I kept it simple, but it was just what my soul was longing for.
I started the day with a coaching session with my coach. I walked away feeling refreshed and reenergized with renewed focus and centering. I then went up to my study and meditated. I always love the way I feel after meditating, but lately I have been out of the habit. Next, I did some journaling with an exercise that my coach gave me and gained some great insights into myself and what my True Self really needs. Finally, I walked a couple miles to my gym, had a good workout, walked back, and did a little writing.
When I began the day, I committed it to being a day of self care. I realized that, although I just came back from vacation, there was some inner work that needed to be done. What I didn't expect, though, was how much less burdened I would feel afterward. I felt an existential weight lifted off of my chest and, for the first time in a while, had a clarity around what my next life steps need to be.
As I was sitting on the bench between sets of bench pressing, something occurred to me - we wait until we feel like we need self care before we do it. It reminded me of being thirsty. We typically wait to drink water until we are thirsty, but by then we are already dehydrated. And so it is with inner work, spiritual disciplines, and self care. If we wait until we feel like we need them, we are already well on our way toward burnout.
Instead, what would it look like if we committed to doing spiritual practices every day? Meditation, journaling, walking meditation, just being outside and breathing - all of these things are a simple way to stay ahead of the wrecking ball.
When we are well rested, centered, and mindful, we are much more productive, much more objective, and much more truly ourselves. Don't wait until you feel like you need it. Don't wait until burnout is already lurking around the corner. Live intentionally and make self care a part of your rhythm of daily living.